Infos générales
The understanding of the biomechanical behavior of the musculoskeletal system and the design of medical devices requires diversified knowledge in various fields as medical sciences (anatomy, cell and tissue biology, medical imaging…), mechanics of materials, finite element simulation, motion analysis of the human body. The Master will provide to the students all necessary bases in these domains to be able to understand a clinical issue and propose realistic and reliable therapeutic solutions. These approaches will be completed by an introduction to biomimetics to show how to get inspiration from nature to design new technical applications.
All courses will be given in English by lecturers coming from French and European Institutions.
The winter semester is composed of 7 compulsory modules including lectures combined with tutorials, practical work and projects, whereas the summer semester is devoted to the Master Thesis.
The seven modules are listed below:
- Basic medical knowledge
- Mechanical behaviour of biological tissues
- Adaptive behaviour and multiscale modeling
- Patient-specific FE modeling
- Transverse project
- Human movement analysis
- Biomimetics
(see the program information for more details)